Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hyping it up!

How does mass media shape the public's agenda of issues?
Mass media goes off of what reporters think the public will be interested in but it often makes the public interested in what they produce. Agenda setting is when the media plays up what it thinks the public will be interested in and the media only focuses on this issue, no matter what else is happening at the time. Often Agenda setting is not actually newsworthy, and is simply the press putting too much attention on famous people, and what is happening to them.
For example, the royal wedding, in America all of our press is covering the royal wedding. It is not pertinent to us as Americans, it does not affect us, but they are famous so every single news station covers it and because they hype it up so much more people watch and care about it than ever would if it was not all hyped up.

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