Monday, April 25, 2011

Stereotypes and Socialization

Stereotyping is a mass media effect that has a large impact on society. Stereotyping allows for mass media communicators to communicate more effectively to its audience. All individuals have stereotypes for different situations; some more common ones include the “high-school jock,” the “lax-bro,” and some are as basic as being “blonde.” These common stereotypes allow mass media to create story lines with no back story because of the stereotype that will be associated with the character that is shown to the audience. With an interpretation of characters and situations mass media has the opportunity to create more complex plot lines (etc.) because the background is placed already by the audience.
Another mass media effect that has an impact on society is socialization, which is the learned behavior of children from their surroundings. With television becoming a large part of children’s lives, it is no surprise to see the influence that media has had on their development. Many television shows have taken the place of basic learning skills formally taught by children. Shows such as Sesame Street teach children basic skills, taking that role away from the parents. Stereotyping and socialization have reshaped the roles of media in development, and social impact.
-Michael Bouchie

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