Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Advertising entwined in Media

It is no exaggeration to say that media is that keeps advertising alive. Without the ability to advertise across media, advertising would have had to become a media form within itself. Every form of media has some form of advertising attached to it. Every day we encounter thousands of ads in a majority of our lives. Television is crammed with advertisement, taking up a majority of their viewing time. Using the internet many sites are funded by the advertisements they display across their pages. Newspapers have ads scattered across all their pages. Advertising is deeply entwined within media, keeping its exposure to its audience at a higher level.

All forms of media have different levels of exposure. Media like Television has a larger audience exposure, making the cost of these ad spaces much more than smaller media markets such as radio. The different forms of advertising bring in money from all markets. All companies want to spread the names of their products, which makes media more important. All major companies have advertising departments, making the need for ad space to increase greatly. Seeing as though all media is driven by money it is no surprise how much advertising in shown across media.

-Michael Bouchie

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