Sunday, April 3, 2011

Working Together-Media & Advertising

The social media and advertising need one another to be successful. Take this quote for instance, "Facebook’s enagagement ads — target your message, offer an invitation to be a fan to the right users and you can build a pretty significant fan base in very little time. You can also gather fans using any of your other advertising efforts, presuming your message initiates a conversation" This shows how helpful having advertisements with social media truly is. However, one must remember in order for media and advertising to work together, they must be up-to-date and continue to change and be creative. Many individuals who see advertisements over and over again may get bored. You must target your audience and use advertisements that reach the people who are actually using the social networking site. Having a successful communicator for the public is the most important aspect with social media and advertising. In order to promote the media, it becomes a necessity to appeal and be understood to the target audience.

-Taylor Johnson

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