Monday, April 4, 2011

Media Advertising and Lots of Money

Media and Advertising go together like the saying “peas and carrots”. Media and advertising are great partners of informing the public on what to buy, when to buy it, where to buy it, and how much it will cost. In addition to the basic information that one will receive about a product or brand, a consumer will also be shown what the company would like for you to relate this brand with, how it will make them feel, and more subliminal items that one doesn’t generally consciously take into account.

Advertising attempts its hardest to convince you to purchase something, but in a sea of sales and advertisements what guarantees that you will make a purchase and make the billions of dollars spent annually on advertising relevant?

Fortunately for you, every form of media you are involved with from Television, radio, to blogs on the Internet needs some form of revenue. This revenue often can’t be generated from asking for donations so they sell ad space, commercials, product placements, banner ads, and so forth. These ads help hedge against the costs of the medium and often pay most or all of the bills. In addition you get to be informed on new products, goods, and services available for your discretionary spending.

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