Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Freedom of Speech For The Press

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and in today's society opinions are everywhere. Every newspaper, magazine, or online resource etc. has an opinion section. The First Amendment gives Americans the freedom for speech, and the right to write what they want. The news media is an extremely important piece of this right because without the news media it would be very difficult to find out about the world around us. Newspapers write stories about government, global policy, international affairs, social trends etc. and without this ability many things would go unknown.

With that in mind, the Freedom of Speech is so significant to the press because without this freedom we would live in a dictatorship and not a democracy. People around the nation have different opinions, and the opinions of an individual could possibly be affected positively or negatively according to what information the news media is allowed to produce. If there were laws concerning what is allowed to be written anywhere, as opposed to rules about obscenity etc., many people would not have the information that they possess simply because it would not be available to them. Furthermore, in the words of Harold R. Medina, an American lawyer and judge, "If you don't have this freedom of the press, then all these little fellows are weaseling around and doing their monkey business and they never get caught."

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