Monday, April 11, 2011

Buzz and product placement

In advertising there are two types of mainstream ads that have worked for many years, and are still used in present day to appeal to audiences. These two types are buzz advertising and product placement. Buzz advertising can also be known as word-of-mouth advertising, which is a very effective way in getting a product known. Buzz advertising allows for an individual to gain their own opinion about a product, and if they decide to, pass that information off to family and friends, advertising for that product for free. This is effective because the product is becoming more known in an audience, and the testimonials are coming directly from the users of the product, giving them more merit than a traditional television commercial. Product placement has been a productive form of advertising since the start. By putting a product in the hands of actors and actresses that are loved by their audiences, the product is having a celebrity endorsement and is being associated with positive happenings. Product placement is used by associating their product with a movie or television show allows for the advertising of their product to be done by itself simply by being seen within the media.

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