Thursday, April 7, 2011


Since the dawn of most types of mass media such as radio TV etc. There has been a second half, an evil twin brother that is advertising. Its what now-a days people mostly hate about watching tv. On a 30 minute program there can be about 10 minutes of commercials. Media makes most of its profits and basically stays alive because of advertising.
They both feed off each other because each channel, whether that be on the radio or tv, has a certain audience and demographic. What do advertisers do with any product? They target anybody who fits the demographic and an easy way to reach those people is through the media. Millions, even billions of dollars are spent on advertising and that is because media can charge so much because they realize how easy it is to reach the people they want to and in such great numbers that even if they spend millions on one ad it ends up being cost effective due to the large numbers of people they reach.
Same goes for advertising on the internet. The internet has wayy more ads than tv. On almost any page you go on the internet you are bombarded by ads all over the page. This is because the ads pay for the space online.
Basically it comes down to one cannot live without the other it might as well be one entity... called one thing that is Mediadvertising.

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