Sunday, April 24, 2011

How much are people informed of?

How does mass media reflect a political system globally?

Mass media reflects a political system first of all because it is has to abide by the political system. There are laws that restrict what can be published in mass media but there are also laws that protect those producing mass media. For example, the first amendment protects people's right to freedom of speech, so you can publish and post what you want to say though mass media. It also protects freedom of press, so people in the press are able to report on what they like.

Mass media also reflects a political system globally because certain governments will allow for mass media to me more or less censored. For example in America, a democracy, mass media is barely censored. The people are informed on what the press is able to find out, the government does not, or is supposed to not, restrict what they are able to publish.

On the contrary, countries like Cuba, China, and etc, that have dictatorships, have mass media highly censored. The people do not receive information about everything the government is doing- especially the bad things.

For example here is a video on youtube about what China's media will not cover:

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