Monday, April 18, 2011

Mass Media Effects and their Impact on Society

Mass media affects our society in many ways. It affects our thoughts, opinions, lifestyle, etc. in both positive and negative ways. One theory that affects the majority of our society is the minimalist effects theory. The minimalist effects theory is when close family, friends, and “opinion leaders” who are people one looks up to affect people indirectly. Many people are influenced and persuaded by those whom they trust and look up to rather than the media as a whole, which can affect our society both positively and negatively. This can positively affect society because it enables people to see both sides to an opinion, but this can be negative too because if one is easily persuaded to think differently than before then people will not have their own thoughts and opinions. Other ways mass media affects our society is lifestyle. Mass media can directly affect society by lifestyle effects, particularly when it comes to socialization. Socialization is the process of learning to fit into society. Usually people learn how to fit into society from their parents, siblings, neighbors, friends, and those who are around them all the time. However, mass media has been playing a role into socialization. Now children can learn what is right, wrong, and taboo by being exposed to mass media. Television is the main form of mass media that affects our society. Television can teach children how to fit into society, by outlining the ideals and standards of our society. This as a whole is positive, but it can also promote wrong ideals such as fighting. Mass media is very affective and impacts society significantly, more than people actually know.

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