Thursday, April 14, 2011


How to know what people are watching and listening to in the media is hard to find out what everyone is doing. However there are some ways that we can see what people are watching and listening too. Depending on what is on tv and the radio and other media we can make an assumption on the audience viewing by probability sampling. The other most common ways are things like surveys and polls that are given to a certain number of people. The trick with that is it cannot be within just one segment it has to be a lot of different segments and demographics so it is possible to adjust the polls and survey numbers on a national numbered scale. But there is one in particular that has been around for a while and has proven itself to be a great audience measurement tool in the media world. The Neilson Rating system is knowm as the most accurate in determining the audience measurements. I as well as the media believe that this system is the best for accurate readings because unlike other measurements they put other information in that has to do with the people and segments they are testing that turn out better measurement audience numbers.

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