Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Advertising and Mass Media working together

Advertising relies heavily on the media in order to attain a profit for whatever good, service, or idea that is being advertised. Certain media outlets help advertisers reach a mass audience, which in turn helps their profitability. Media outlets such as the television and the Internet are major ways that advertisers can advertise their good, service, or idea to a mass audience. In regards to television, advertisers choose popular shows to advertise their product mainly because they know that it is going to be seen by a mass audience. In turn they spend a lot of money to have only a 30 second slot during a popular show, but one should think about how much money they are receiving in return. The same goes for the Internet. Advertisers choose popular sites such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. to get their product out into the world. With certain Internet sites the advertising may not be direct, but in the case of Facebook the advertisements displayed on the site are very direct usually specific to peoples’ particular interest. These media outlets not only benefit the advertisers, but also benefit themselves. Advertisers mainly fund television and the same goes for the internet. Without these two working together they would both have difficulty attaining funds.

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