Monday, April 25, 2011

How does mass media reflect a political system globally?

Mass media can reflect a political system globally in many ways. The mass media can display the ins and outs of how a foreign government is run and how mass media is presented. Government can vary from country to country, but by having the mass media reflect a political system globally, it allows people to see how other governments are run and how they are similar or different from their own. As a whole there are two very different main types of governments, authoritarian and libertarian. Countries like Cuba and England are authoritarian because they fall under the category of being either a monarchy or a dictatorship. Cuban government is a dictatorship and in this country the media is very censored. Unlike having an established fourth estate like the United States, the government is the one to control what is being said to the mass media, so essentially they are censoring what the people think. Global mass media informs other countries of how a particular government is run. It could be considered common knowledge that Cuba’s government is a dictatorship and that they heavily censor what their people think. On the other hand countries like the United States and France are libertarian because they are both democratic. Libertarian is completely different than authoritarian because it allows people to reason their own way to right conclusions and therefore people are capable of their own governance. In the United States the mass media is not censored at all and is not government run, so the people can attain information in a somewhat unbiased manner. There is still biasness though but the government does at least not set this biasness. Through mass media people can see and get a better understanding of how other countries govern themselves.

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