Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mass Media's impact on Society

There is no surprise that mass media and their messages influence society in all aspects of life. The most prominent mass media effects relate to lifestyle, attitude, culture, and behavior. Since our society has been exposed to media from birth, the media has portrayed typical lifestyles that our society adheres to. This is part of how we learn how to “fit in” with society. Socializing, a key part of living, and life values are displayed through television shows in which any age can comprehend since it does not require reading. Through the decades, changes are made in society, as well as values, which mass media always adapts to. Along with lifestyle comes the display of different cultures. Through the diffusion of innovations, ideas, values and information on a specific culture can be shared all around the world. This explains the powerful effect of mass communication, as it can alter entire cultures. On the other hand, attitude, where opinions are formed as well as feelings towards different icons, is also created as a result of mass media‘s influence. Magazines, books, and TV shows help us form opinions on topics discussed, and also idolize certain profound figures that we consider “role models“. Finally, since our attitude can be influenced, so can our behavior through media messages in positive or negative ways.

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