Monday, April 4, 2011

Public Relations

Communications among all types of facets including business' celebrities governments revolve around keeping the people updated and most of the time persuaded into believing information that is being fed to them. This is called public relations and its what how things are usually communicated to the public whether it be via news letter or on tv or even a press conference. Its a tool that the communications world has learned to use and they are quite proficient at it. Simply put if a company has a problem and rumors get out about it PR is used to reduce the hype and try to protect the reputation or control the problem at hand. It can also be Used to make something look better than it really is, like spinning a story about a celebrity that makes them look better even though they really didnt do much at all. Lastly but most unlikely is it being used to tell the complete truth. When it comes to communications and the public its all about persuading and public relations effectively does that for whatever the case may be and has affected communications forever.

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