Sunday, April 3, 2011

Media and Advertising Collaboration

Public relations is used as a persuasive tool in communications because say for instance a company does something bad and they need help getting out of it. They have a public relations person come in and make it all better by trying to convince the public that even though they did something bad, they’ve also done a lot of good things too. From there they list all of the good things that they have done and they tell the public that they shouldn’t be mad at the company. Another instance of public relations being persuasive is when they try to promote a company and to persuade the people that the company they are trying to promote has a lot of good things to offer and that they should buy their products or whatever they are trying to sell. An example of where public relations had to step in to turn something around and make it better was with Michael Vick and his dog-fighting incident. Because of this people hated him and had no respect for him. He needed help so a public relations guy came in and told Vick what he needed to do in order to get people to like him again. Public relations persuasion is not all about making a bad situation good, its also about getting a company through hard times and keeping them on track.

Media and advertising work together in many different ways. This is because media companies will go to advertising companies so that they can show the public what their companies is about. Advertising companies can then take the media companies product or name and put it out there in various ways, whether it be through buying air time on television or taking out ad space in newspapers or magazines or even on the internet. Basically there would be no way that media companies could survive because without advertising, people wouldn’t know what their company was about, therefore they wouldn’t be able to sell their product and then would go out of business. Also media companies could be smart about their advertising and find times in which it is better to advertise so more people can see their ad. Depending on what websites you go to also can depend on the types of ads that you see from media companies that have to do with your likes. They have to be smart about when and where they place their ads so that the most amount of people see it and are going to be interested in it, otherwise it is pointless and they waste a lot of money for nothing.

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