Monday, April 18, 2011

mass media effecting society

Mass media is everywhere around us at all times. When something is in our face so often it is certainly going to have some sort of effect on everyone who is exposed to it. Mass media effects a lot of things including the way we view things, and the way we shop. It effects our views in ways such as making us think someone or something is bad. Media coverage has no limits everything you could possibly think of has probably at one point been broadcasted through some form of mass media. For example; political commercials can affect the way someone thinks about another person. The viewer sees one politicians supporters commercial through mass media that lists all the negativities about their opponent. The viewer may now buy into that and vote for the former politician instead of the latter. This effect on our views may also change the way we buy. For example, if someone sees one of those commercials talking about the BP oil spill and how awful it was, they may drive past the BP station when in need of gas and fill up somewhere else since it projects the image that BP is bad. Mass Media effects many different things for the people exposed to it.

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