Sunday, April 10, 2011

Audience Analysis measures principles and techniques

Researchers rely on various audience measurement principles to measure audience opinions in order to gauge the general mood of the audience about a certain subject. The most effective measurement tool is the survey method. Everyone has heard of the Gallop polls and for good reason, because these survey polls have proven to be the most effective. These polls rely on the “probability sampling” method to gather valuable information about public views. Within this survey method four components factor in. Determining a “sample size” of people to be surveyed needs to established with 384 people being the most accurate number to work with, guaranteeing that everyone has had an equal opportunity to be surveyed. Then a “sample selection” provides that a correct representative sample of people are chosen. The “margin of error” takes into account any misleading results in the survey and the “confidence level” indicates the accuracy of the survey results. By manipulating these 4 factors up or down, the researchers can be assured of an accurate and representative survey of the population. The audience measurement techniques most effective in measuring broadcast audiences are by using electronic metering devices where broadcast use can be most accurately measured. Neilsen devised an “anytime anywhere media instrument” called the A2M2 to try and capture all forms of electronic media use accurately. This device measures TV, PC use, video games, Ipods and cellphone usage of media broadcasts regardless of where they are being used. So clearly, the future of media broadcast tracking is with the multimedia meter systems. The importance of tracking mass media usage is such an important tool to the media industry to continue providing the mass audience with the media content they are looking for.

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