Sunday, May 1, 2011

Democratic Mass Media

Mass media within the United States represents the democratic political system globally. The United States being a democratic society gives mass media more power through laws such as freedom of speech. Mass media has the right to show, within reason; whatever they feel is best fit for the audience they are trying to reach. Globally mass media from the United States is representative of the democratic political system in which it is located. Many other countries do not have the ability to watch, and say what they want at their own free will. When compared to other countries mass media within the United States gives has the ability to reflect the feelings and cultural trends across the country.
The democratic political system of the United States is shown across the globe not only politically, but in the reflection from mass media. Having the ability to choose the shape of mass media through the direction of society shows the democratic abilities of mass media. These abilities is what makes US mass media stand apart from mass media across the globe, leaving all the power within the citizens of the country mass media is sourcing from.
-Michael Bouchie

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