Monday, April 4, 2011

Public Relations and You

Public Relations is a tool unique to itself. PR consists of maintaining or creating a public image for businesses, high profile individuals, or non-profit organizations. PR generally aims it services of maintaining or creating this image by focusing on either a target market, or the general public depending on the type of business or individual hiring the PR firm. PR is a unique and persuasive tool in communications as it attempts to get the public to see the company, as the company would like to be seen. This will often involve hosting or sponsoring charitable events that they deem important and believe will give them publicity. Messages can also be sent out in Press Releases, Media Kits, and overall they attempt to have a maximum reach to the market by having their messages displayed on TV, Radio, and possibly magazines, blogs and other forms of media.

Overall the main concern I have with PR is in the fact that either the PR firm is internal in a company organization, or being hired by the organization. How can the public expect a company to be honest and truthful when PR is relying on the finances of the organization that hires them? This makes PR’s job more difficult if they truly wish to act honestly and be truthful with the public.

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