Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mass Media: Furthering Communication

Before mass media was introduced to the public for entertainment purposes, people had to entertain themselves. People would play games, read books, write stories, and do many more activities just to entertain themselves. It was not until when mass media entered the scene when people found a new form of entertainment. Mass media provided a new way for larger audience to be entertained at one time. When nightly news programs hit the air, people did not have to sit and read the newspaper anymore to find out what was happening in the world. Instead, they could sit down in front of a television set and have the news be told to them. This brought people closer together, because an entire family could sit down and watch the news together instead of just one person reading the newspaper. After the program, families would be able to talk about what they heard on television. Therefore, enabling more communication between them and creating a stronger bond. From mass communication, people were able to converse about events and have conflicting ideas. This brought on a form of new debate for people. People could now see both sides and have a more in depth knowledge of a situation.

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