Sunday, April 10, 2011

Accurate Measurements

Throughout all of the analysis principles and techniques, probability sampling and newspaper and magazine audits seem to be the most effective. This is because probability sampling is where everyone in the population surveyed has an equal chance to be sampled. This is the most effective in that they aren’t just pulling statistics from a certain group of people every time. They are able to mix it up once in a while and chose from another group of people and see what their results are. As shown in the book a population size of 500,000 or more have a sample size of 384, which define the number of people in a properly selected sample for results to provide 95 percent confidence that results have less than a 5 percent margin of error. Newspapers and magazines being as popular as they are now allow for more accurate analysis of results. You are able to find out how many people read a certain magazine or newspaper by the number of subscribers they have. Through this you can find an accurate number of people that use the product. They can also calculate this through circulation, which is the number of readers of a publication.

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