Monday, April 25, 2011

Political Media

Mass media’s reflection of global political systems is often evident in the types and media use of those political systems.

In countries like the People Republic of China there is heavy censorship on Chinese based activities both domestic and globally, this makes it very difficult for Chinese citizens to keep informed on the events that China is doing, similarly most countries keep a much heavier form of censorship on their domestic papers, television, and internet sites to keep their general public largely uninformed on political and governmental wrongdoing.

Examples of government control in China can be seen in this video, which discusses censorship of Internet in China.

Similarly Chinas CCTV only seems to report the news and events the government wants you to hear about.

Although the US often prides itself of freedoms, do we have something far different?

When Julian Assange the founder of Wikileaks attempted to release real news and information the United States quickly attempted to file suite against him for releasing information that they didn’t approve of.

How can we expect to be any better or different and live up to our American ideologies when we equally like issues on human rights violations by the US censored.

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