Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chpt 13&14 blogposts

Chapter 13 - Mass Media Effects
What are some mass media effects and their imact on society?

During the last 50 years media as grown exceptionally with the advance of technology.  Our society depends on information and communication to keep moving.  If you think about a normal day, you probably rely many different types of media, including, cell phones, Internet, E-mail, radio/tv, etc. to get you through your day, help you communicat and give you the information that you need.  We use media for many things, including, news, education, communication, and information flow.  Our society has come to rely on mass media, and I believe that it would definitely fall apart if mass media ceased to exist.  We are so dependent on it that we wouldn't know what to do without it.

Chapter 14 - Media and Democracy
What is the significance of the fourth estate?

The fourth estate is a term used to emphasize the independence of the press.  It is contrasted with the fourth branch of the government which suggests that the press is not independent of the government.  According to the first amendment, there is freedom of the press - therefore, I think the press should be independent from the government.  Essentially, the press could be uncovering things to the public that the government wouldn't want us to know - which is what makes it significant.  The people will learn to trust the press.

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