Sunday, April 3, 2011

Public Relations

Public Relations consists of "specialists [who are] image shapers. Their job is to generate positive publicity for their client and enhance their reputation," according to Public Relations strengthens and forms relationships with many companies. As stated on Princeton review, "a PR person must keep abreast of current events and be well versed in pop culture to understand what stories will get the publics' attention," in many ways this can be seen as a persuasive tool. Many individuals who take part in Public Relations use the persuasive approach to promoting a product. They are the ones with the control, so individuals are mistaken of "lying" or not telling the truth to the public about a specific product trying to be sold.
Although Public Relations can be seen as a negative job, it is necessary to help create relationships among businesses, employers, and the public. They must gain trust and be able to maintain a neutral attitude on the products they promote to the public and make sure that being "persuasive" is not their only goal as a Public Relations representative.

-Taylor Johnson

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