Saturday, April 9, 2011

Maintaining an Image

In the world of communications, public relations (PR) has a very special place. PR controls the image of businesses, celebrities, non-profit organizations, politicians, and other people or companies that may use public relations. The control of their image helps to persuade others, because it only allows one side of a person or company to be seen. PR helps to block the image of a person or companies that should not be shown to the public. By only seeing one side to a person or company, outside people are being persuaded to see that the person or company is being represented fully. They do not realize that there could be more to the story than what is being presented to them. PR helps companies and people to maintain a good image even when something against their positive image has happened. PR manages what is said about the company or person and helps to make their side look positive. Therefore, the public is not allowed to always know the whole truth, so they cannot decide about the company’s or person’s image by themselves. The effect that PR has on controlling an image helps them to persuade others that every company or person is good.

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