Sunday, April 3, 2011

Advertising Throughout the Media

The media affects the daily lives of nearly everyone. Through the new, social networking, basic Internet use, television, newspapers and magazines etc. people are exposed to millions of advertisements. The media is so prominent in daily life that advertisments are reaching much larger audiences through the different types of media. Many websites and T.V. shows are sponsored by particular brands of a product, and therefore these sites and programs broadcast advertisements for these brands either through commerical exposure or "pop-ups". Without the use of the media advertising would be through word of mouth or bill-boards. Widely used media outlets are supported mainly through advertisers and what is paid to advertise in a particular media outlet. With the exposure found in this manner of advertising, companies are able to sell more products to a wider variety of people. Therefore advertising and media are dependent on one another. Fewer advertisements in the media would lead to less profits for both due to lack of exposure for the company creating the advertisments and less income from sponsors for the media outlet. These advertisements also push the media to attract the public because without an audience, advertisers pull some of their advertisements losing profits for both. Media and advertising support each other in their desire to sttract an audience.

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