Monday, April 25, 2011

Political Media

Politics is different all around the world partly because of the obvious which is that other countries political systems are different, however the other part is because of how media is controlled and or not controlled around the world. Freedom of speech and the press is one of Americas founding principals and it allows political campaigns to rule the media when the time comes because media networks usually choose a political candidate to represent and this is because they either donated money to them or they paid to be on their network. Either way it makes the political system in terms of the media that is involved much different to that of other countries. Most news is actually controlled because governments do not want people to hear certain things or think certain things and then again not many nations have a complete democracy like ours so when there are such things as candidates the people dont get much of a choice on who to vote let alone what they hear on the media could be complete bull shit. Politics in media is like a game each side says crap about the other side and their is no doubt lying on all levels especially globally.

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