Monday, April 25, 2011

Media as a Political System

A political system often has to make choices on what information to share with its nation or keep secret in response to protecting their people or instead, diminishing controversy. As a political system can be a censor in society, so can the media be a censor since it is considered a part of government as the fourth estate. The media somewhat works with the government in influencing what the people think about, contributing to positive or negative views towards certain topics. Though, in countries where media is given the freedom to speak their mind, such as The United States which gives the people freedom of press and speech in the 1st Amendment, they can go against political power and uncover the truth. This truth might not be what the public wants to hear, but the media believes it is important to inform the people on the issue. However, in countries where those rights are not present, the media acts as a complete censor, covering up the truth and telling the people what the government wants them to hear, such as in a dictatorship. Hence, the media plays a part in society similar to political systems in which their role adjusts depending on where in the world they deliver news.

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