Sunday, April 3, 2011

Media and Advertisement

Media and advertising have a close working relationship. “Advertising is not a mass medium, but it relies on media to carry its messages” (Vivian, 299). A successful advertising agency uses media plans to target the appropriate audiences for their advertisements. They design formulas to see which media would work well and be most effective for them. Agencies also decide on which media, radio, TV, or print will be the most cost effective way to get their message across. “Media buyers have numerous sources of data to help them decide where advertisements can be placed for the best results (Vivan, 304). All of these resources are used by media personnel to ensure the highest success rate of their advertisements hitting their target groups. Placements in newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, and the Internet are all plausible outlets for advertisements to reach mass audiences, but have their pros and cons. Advertisements placed in newspapers are easy for the audience to access but are less attractive than those in magazines. However advertising in magazines require a three month waiting period. Radio advertising is less expensive than TV but can’t provide a visual image for the audience. TV advertising reaches mass audiences but are cost prohibitive. Online advertising is inexpensive but may lack credibility.

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