Sunday, April 17, 2011

Internet Audience Measures

Media Matrix, the leading Internet audience measuring company, has utilized a, “Two-track system to determine how may people view web sites” (Vivian, The Media of Mass Comm.). The Internet tracking system has used 40,000 computers to monitor and analyze individual’s searching habits. In a society that has become technology dependent, utilizing the internet to purchase and sell goods, research material, watch movies and even read books, Media Matrix has the ability to instantly analyze an individuals preferences and habits. John Vivian, author of The Media of Mass Communication, writes, “The Nielsen ratings company has set up a similar methodology. Other companies also are in the Internet ratings business” (Vivian, The Media of Mass Comm.). The Internet has become the leading medium used by individuals to conduct any activity, whether that is e-commerce or research. Utilizing the Internet as measurement tool is not only effective but relevant in an individual’s life today.

Vivian, John. The Media of Mass Communication . 9. ed. Boston, Ma: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2009. Print.

-Patrick Morgan

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