Monday, April 4, 2011

Media and Advertising

Media and advertising link closely together as advertisements serve the media in two ways; to sell products and fund the media. Advertising is a form of selling a product by putting the name out into the public. The purpose of this is to make the public aware of the product as well as have the name of the product become stuck in the person’s head. Tactics used to advertise products consist of using catchy phrases and unforgettable images. Since there is such a large venue of media products out today that can be purchased or enjoyed including the same concept with different names, such as different cell-phones, this is another reason why media and advertising work together. Advertising is another persuasive tool, just like Public Relations, and gives the product exposure which hopefully will increase sales.

Another use of advertising is to fund certain media to be able to exist. For example, radio stations would not exist and be able to play music without the air of advertisements. They support media businesses and allow them to keep running, as well as provide the public free programs without having to pay. Therefore, advertising works with media to support its function whether making a profit or funding programs.

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