Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Watchdog – The Fourth Estate

The media is often considered the fourth estate or the fourth branch of government within the United States. John Vivian, author of The Media of Mass Communication, writes, “These terms of identify the independent role of the media in reporting on the government. The media are a kind of watchdog on behalf of the citizens” (Vivian, The Media of Mass Comm.).

We as citizens rely on the media to keep close watch and report on government actions as well as private and public institutions. Doing so keeps political figures and institutions honest and aware of their actions. In a more recent event the media worked to expose Lewis Libby and Vice President Dick Cheney and their acts of perjury and obstruction of justice during the Iraq War. The finding resulted in a 30-month prison sentence (later commuted) and a $250,000 fine. John Vivian writes, “The U.S. democratic system relies on the mass media as an outside check to keep government accountable to the people” (Vivian, The Media of Mass Comm.).

Whether the actions of the government and institutions are good or bad, the media serves as a positive watchdog for the United States.

Vivian, John. The Media of Mass Communication . 9. ed. Boston, Ma: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2009. Print.

-Patrick Morgan

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