Monday, April 4, 2011

Media and Advertisments

Media and advertising go hand in hand. Through the many media outlets offered to us advertisements can be seen by people all around the world. The media uses advertisements to tell people what to buy and where to buy it. These ads display anything to support their product and increase their business.
The reason media and advertisements go so well together is because companies use the media to circulate their ads. Different outlets in the media can charge advertisers a lot of money for promoting their product campaigns. The media will spread it through television, radio, newspapers and magazines, even on the streets of towns and cities.
And many companies are willing to pay top dollar for a simple minute long commercial. All you have to do is look at the amount of money it costs to have a commercial aired during the Super Bowl, and how many businesses are willing to pay.
As of today one of the most popular places to have your advertisements is on television. If you think about it, for every hour-long program you watch at least 15 of those minutes are spent watching commercials. These commercials can vary from 30 seconds to a few minutes. Although that is a lot of commercials, the place that you are most exposed to ads is on the streets, where you pass hundreds of signs, and billboards. You even see posters on buildings, bus stops, and other vehicles. Each day you take in hundreds of ads being exposed to various media outlets.

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