Sunday, April 24, 2011

Politically Debatable

Mass media reflects a political system in an authoritarianism way. This is the way it has been for a long time. Mass media dictates to us what we want to hear, not necessarily what is right. There are many things that mass media can’t cover due to international relations. There are also other factors that have to do with censorship. Mass media can reflect a politically system only if it goes through pre-publication censorship in which authorities preview material before dissemination. This goes for all mass media because if there isn’t censorship media can portray the political systems of other countries poorly. Different countries have their own rules and regulations that they have to follow, which aren’t always right. Other countries may be able to show things without censorship and get away with it unscathed, but later on could backfire on them. However they are protected by the first amendment and are able to say what they want as long as it doesn’t reflect poorly or inaccurately on the political system of another country. Mass media is different all over the world and they all reflect political systems differently. In some countries broadcasting bloody images of war is allowed and on others it is under heard of due to the law of that country.

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