Monday, April 4, 2011

The Importance of Public Relations

All companies need a representative, which is where Public Relations is key, to connect the public with their product. This product could be a new movie being released, a new show airing, or the launch of the new version of the iPhone. Public Relations is responsible in persuading the public into buying the product or gaining interest in the product. The key part to the interaction is to build a positive relationship between the product/idea and the buyers. This is one of the ways Public Relations works with the media and is a crucial tool in the competitive world of mass media.

So why does communications use Public Relations as a persuasive tool to attract the public to their products? The mass media thrives on direct sales and advertisements to make a profit and stay alive in this capitalist nation. Therefore, the Public Relations is an additional push in persuading and also catching the attention of the buyer to follow the product. Today, new trends pop up with a blink of the eye but can disappear in a flash once the newest gadget is created. Hence, the more followers as well as buyers is crucial to stay alive in media.

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