Sunday, April 3, 2011

Role of Public Relations

Good public relations is an important component to the success of any business. By definition, “Public Relations is a persuasive communication tool that people can use to motivate other people and institutions to help them achieve their goals” (Vivian 269). Public relations professionals realize the importance of being honest and truthful with the general public and promote this practice within their profession. In order to be successful within a company the public relations professionals must identify the existing relationships within the institution they are working with. Knowing how these relationships coexist is important to accomplish their goals. Next they must being able to evaluation these relationships through research to see how well they are working. This step needs to be examined constantly as events change within the institution. After this, they need to design policies to improve the relationships and make recommendations to those in charge. Lastly they need to implement the policies they have suggested to the management. This is where they can utilize the news media as the tool to accomplish the goals of the policies devised. By giving these news releases to the media to reach out to the mass audiences. Newspapers, radio, and television typically are the recipients of these announcements.

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