Saturday, April 16, 2011

Society depends on the effects of mass media

What are some mass media effects and their Impact on society?

Mass media has had mostly good effects on society throughout the years. Mass media has made society aware of things they would never have been able to be aware of. Mass media has helped get information out about wars, and what has been going on around the world. For example, people in Libya would not have been so successful with their protests and getting their opinions heard without the utilizing mass media through the Internet and social networking cites. Society responded by caring about what was happening, and the media reported on the protests, so the rest of the world knew what was happening.

Another example is when politicians and big companies are corrupt; the media has been able to report on this, and through mass media, the rest of the world found out. People in society were then able to form their own opinions on these scandals.

Mass media has also created trends within society; this includes anything from clothing to opinions. Girls would not know which jacket they had to buy if it weren’t for mass media within advertizing. People would not be able to form ideas on which president they wanted without seeing what he had to say through mass media.

Society as a whole largely depends on mass media.

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