Sunday, April 3, 2011

Media and advertising work together

There is a close relationship between media and advertising. The media utilizes advertisements. It helps them to sell more products and eventually make more money.

Let’s take Facebook as an example. It is well known that this social network absorbs more of our online time than Google or even YouTube. In the US alone 110 million people actively use the platform every month, which is easily rivaling the Superbowl and American Idol for reach.It seems confusing that whether Facebook is a social media network or an advertising medium. Actually, it reveals that advertising and media work together. 

Facebook is a kind of social media that provide a template of people to share and communicate. Also, it is an excellent platform for anybody to advertise and promote themselves. Therefore, media is helping the development of advertising industry. On the other hand, advertising is also important to media. For a better advertising effect, media technology plays a vitally important role. For example, three-dimension video can be used promote some specific products. Also, the power of media is great enough to affect the effectiveness of the advertisement. On the contrary, the message in the advertisement can easily influence the public. And it may even create a new social atmosphere and affect the content of the media.

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