Monday, February 28, 2011

The power of conglomeration

Television networks and motion picture companies have been consumed by conglomerates that basically own the industry. These major ownerships control the production of multiple mass media outlets that are combined under one brand name. Independent companies, or otherwise known as “Indies”, are the few exceptions that stand alone in the industry. Unfortunately, they cannot compete with the profits that conglomerates rake in.

One of the leading conglomerates is NBC Universal. The home page of their website displays over 30 logos of networks in which they control and operate. According to their website, they own and operate NBC Television Network, the spanish broadcasting television network called Telemundo, an array of cable networks such as Bravo, E!, MSNBC, and Oxygen, the Weather Channel company, and all related NBC programs. Also, they own Universal Pictures and additional media outlets such as Hulu. The list continues expressing how much their control extends into a chunk of media companies. With Universal’s widespread ownership, they have an advantage by having set advertisers in which they can use for multiple networks, cutting costs and increasing their profits. Also, they can advertise for one of their shows on NBC , such as The Biggest Loser on the Oxygen channel. This explains the power of the few conglomerations that control media networks.

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