Monday, February 7, 2011


For years we have been focused on making technological advances to make our lives easier and to give ourselves more free time. This has come to lead to some of the greatest advances in mankind from the automobile, the ballpoint pen, airplanes, cell phones, and laptops. But this technological dependence has also become an increasing problem for its users. It is now generally assumed in the United States that you will be able to drive to work, write a note down, hand your homework electronically, and respond to your friends phone calls at any moment. But if you cars alternator should break, your cell phone battery die, or your laptop crash you will have removed yourself from the modern world and its back to the Neolithic age or walking, grunting, and being utterly disconnected for you. Today we all rely heavily on our technology for all forms of communication, transport, and work, and without it we feel unsafe, alone, and disconnected from one another. This technology dependence is our need to always be connected, which as part of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs makes perfect sense. Overall technology dependence is really our dependence on one another in everyday life. Technology makes it easier to see friends, talk with them, and as a whole get to were you need to go and do what needs to be done.

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