Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What is technology dependence?

When I think of mass communication, technology is the next thing that comes to mind. These two go hand in hand and communication relies on different types of technologies to distribute mass media messages. This unique relationship is crucial in the world that centers itself on constant communication. Though, distance is an obstacle for mass amounts of people located in all corners of the world to share stories, exchange ideas, and influence others, which is exactly why the method of communication is so dependent on technology. There are multiple types of technology today to satisfy the array of mass media such as printing, chemical, electronic, and digital technology. With a constant growth in the creation of new technologies and the demand to connect more and more people in different and faster ways, the partnership stays true. If technology suddenly failed to support mass communication, the world would suffer in all areas since technology has touched upon every type of communication from the printing press in 1440 that made books and magazines, to fiber-optic cables in 1960 that first supported the telephone and soon, the Internet. Simply, communication is dependent, or in dire need of the tools of technology, and would not exist if technology was not present.

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