Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ups and Downs of Deregulation

Deregulation has changed this industry for better and for worse. Under deregulation larger companies can own more than one smaller company that can’t survive on its own. This allows for more income and better things for consumers. Also this allows for job creation because if the larger companies don’t buy the smaller companies then they go bankrupt and out of business, thus people become unemployed. The worst part about deregulation is for the artists and up and coming artists. Nowadays its easy for the artists that have been in the business for along time to be able to record their music when they want and to be able to get it out to consumers. But the problem is for the up and coming artists. It’s hard for them to get discovered and known due to the deregulation. This is because these artists usually start off on smaller stations before they work their way up to the bigger one. Artists start off smaller because they want to see how people react and who listening to their music. Also its free advertising for them on the smaller radios because people will come to them to ask to play their music. But due to deregulation the smaller companies aren’t their anymore thus making it harder for them to become known.

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