Saturday, February 26, 2011

Conglomeration good or bad?

How has conglomeration changed the movie and television industry?

Media conglomeration is when big companies buy up all of the little companies. Having only these big companies works to their advantage because they are able to self advertise. Take Disney for example: Disney movies, Disney's singers, and Disney products are advertised on Disney channel and vise versa. Disney can afford to have no outside advertisers on their channel because they are such a huge company and can use all of the space to self advertise, it is specialized advertising as well. The audience for all of their products are the same, there for they know they are reaching the right audience. This ends up being good for their viewers as well because they do not have to see commercials that they do not want to see, instead, they see music videos by the singers that Disney employes.
Is this always a good thing? Not if your someone who wants to see variety. Conglomeration has made it so that all of the big companies like, The Walt Disney Company, Time Warner and the News Corporation can own almost everything. With these big companies owning everything you will not see variety, you will see them selling to their target audiences. You will not see independent shows or movies most of the time.

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