Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Maybe I should print this...

I suppose with what is technologically offered in the world of today it would undoubtedly seem as if the print industry would crumble. However moments before I decided to blog about this I found myself reading a magazine.
Its interesting how myself, a 21 year old college student who was part of the generation that grew up with online media, is reading a magazine in an era that is questioning the very existence of such a thing.
So no I do not believe that the print industry will collapse. I think the print industry has something to offer that being online doesn’t. Something that’s tangible and real has a much stronger long lasting effect than something you read or see online. It can almost be classified as iconic, and I stress the word almost since print is still very much alive. However, maybe in the future it will be looked at like that.
The is the other side to consider… I firmly believe that the entire print industry will not die out but it could definitely thin out. Some forms of print will fade away while other stick around. And according to our last class those forms of print that stick around like magazines will actually grow instead of decline.

When I think of demassification I think of having more options to choose from for all my media needs. According the is means to become less uniform and centralized. I think this plays closely along with using sources that are bias in opinion and contribution to the public. Having less centralized media allows us to form our own opinions better. Honestly I haven’t noticed it, maybe because I use what a lot of people use like CNN, Huffington Post and so on (in terms of news). But I definitely believe that it is a good thing and its impact will only strengthen one of our founding principles which is freedom of speech and opinion.

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