Monday, February 7, 2011

Why does economics drive most media companies?

Economics is what drives every basically every company, you have to make money to pay your employees, buy your equipment, and have your company serve the purpose it is supposed to be serving. The same is true in the media companies. In print newspapers need to pay journalists, photographers, editors, and so on, so that the newspaper can be published. They also need to make that money to have the computers, printers, and equipment that they have. The same goes for television, they have to make money to be able to pay the news anchors, editors, camera crew, and so on. They also need to be able to buy all of the expensive equipment that goes along with that. Lastly it is the same for radio, they need money to pay the radio hosts, editors, and so on. Radio equipment is also very expensive and always changing. All of these media companies are constantly buying the newest and best technology to stay updated and stay the best. An additional piece in media is how popular they are directly effects the money they receive. The more people read it, watch it, or listen to it, the more advertising space companies will want and will be willing to pay for. "Money makes the world go round" and the media world is no different.

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