Sunday, February 13, 2011

How will the print industry survive? What is the impact of demassification?

I feel like the print industry will not survive for much longer due to the Internet and the kind of access that we are allowed. Since this generation is more technologically advanced we use the Internet for everything. So the print industry such as magazines and newspapers are putting their content online for people that would rather read online than to pick up the paper. It you think about it though it would be much better for the environment if the industries were to put their stuff online cause then we wouldn’t waste paper to print the newspaper everyday. Eventually when there is a computer in every household I feel that the print industry will go out of business and everything will be available to view online. Demassification will be dangerous for the smaller companies out their due to lack of funding. When there is lack of funding then the companies are unable to pay their employees to work for them. Then this will cause unemployment and then bankruptcy, or fall victim to other advertisers that will fund them as long as the smaller company does what the advertisers wants them to do.

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