Friday, February 18, 2011

Deregulation changes the radio industry

I think the biggest blow to regulation in radio and recording industries is the Telecommunications Act in 1996. This legislation almost entirely eradicated ownership limitations in which a single company can own any number of stations across the country and eight in a single market.

Actually, deregulation has brought both positive and negative effects to the industry.  From an economic perspective, it is surely good to the profit of companies because keen competition will arise to boost the quality of companies’ production.

On the other hand, it has opened the way for mass media to form conglomerates, concentrating broadcast air wave ownership among fewer stations. Therefore, stations’ staff may be reduced and new companies can choose to either serve the community's right to be informed or let programming be determined by their profit margin. They now regulate themselves based on their individual.

To conclude, deregulation has really changed the radio and the recording industry a lot. Luckily, the industry is still alive with good development even in today’s internet world. I really hope that the industry can sustain well because I like listening to the radio!

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