Sunday, February 13, 2011

How will the print industry survive? What is the impact of demassification?

When newspapers made their first appearance, businesses required bookkeepers, accountants, lawyers, and other standard business apparatus. In our technological world today, the print industry should not need all this extra work in order for individuals to receive only limited information that is provided inside a newspaper. Today, we have the internet which gives individuals unlimited information on anything they want to learn more about. Just as newspapers and magazines influenced the lives of our elders, internet takes care of this for our generation. The process of production for newspapers is also time consuming compared to the internet's production. Overall, the print industry will have a hard time surviving unless they change their ways.

The impact of demasssification is not a necessarily good impact because if media companies only focus on audience segments rather than large audiences then funding will be lost for many companies. Therefore, not all will survive, causing even more competitive media. There are more negatives than positives for starting broadcasting to more narrow audiences.

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