Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Technology Dependence

Back when there were no cellphones, no automobiles, or Facebook, how did people communicate? They depended on certain things such as running water to hydrate and horseback to deliver messages. Since technology started to develop people have come to depend more and more on it. Presently, in 2011 new technology pretty much comes out every day. It's happening so fast that we can't even keep up with it. We live in the information age where everything has to be quick or instantaneous. We can't seem to be content with what we have.
A perfect example of technology dependence is the Iphone. This piece of hardware revolutionized cellphones in a way that none had before. This device is extremely convenient and effective. It combined an mp3 player, computer, and phone all in one, with an ever expanding variety of applications. People count on the Iphone to keep appointments, calendars, video chat, and of course make phone calls. There is even an application that can unlock and start your car. If people start relying on technology for everything what will happen one day if something goes wrong? I'm not saying that technology will turn against us like in Terminator but its just something to think about.

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